Tips & Tricks
When you first start out you’ll find the controls to be very confusing. This takes time to
really get used to and to the point where you don’t have to think about it. We
recommend downloading a drone racing simulator and using your radio with that to
get used to the controls without crashing and damaging your drone all the time. Once
you have muscle memory, move to flying the real thing.
Learn to fly low to the ground and over a surface like long grass or soft ground.
Although the drones are tough and built to be strong at high speeds. Learning over
grass or soft ground will help to minimize damage and prolong the life of your drone
while your learn. Once you are comfortable with flying then by all means try flying
through trees and doing all the risky stuff.
Always disarm the drone when you think you are in trouble and let it fall from the sky.
Trying to regain control is something you should not attempt while still learning. 9
times out of 10 you will make the situation worse trying to recover and could damage
property or put people at risk.
Be mindful of the propellers whenever you handle the drone and have a battery
plugged in. Spinning propellers can cause serious harm.
Make sure your goggles and video transmitter are set to matching channels before
flight. This will ensure you get the best video reception while flying.
Ensure you comply with the rules governing the use of drones in your country.
Disarm as soon as you know you are about to crash or have crashed. Disarming
early prevents damage to the motors and props. And can help preserve the drones
electrical equipment. Trying to throttle up a motor while the props are stuck in grass
etc will burn them out.
Be safe, respectful of other people but most of all, have fun.