Please read this disclaimer carefully before using this product. This product is a
performance built racing machine and should be treated with respect and caution in
order to prevent injury or death of the operator and/or bystanders.
and is not suitable for people under the age of 18 without adult
supervision. By using this product, you hereby agree to this disclaimer and signify
that you have read this document fully and understand it in its entirety. You agree
that you are responsible for your own conduct while using this product, will abide by
local law and regulation, and are personally responsible for any consequences
1. Always perform a preflight check to ensure the drone is airworthy in order to
prevent catastrophic failure damaging the aircraft, property or injuring others
including yourself.
2. Spinning propellers can easily slice through flesh, make every precaution to
protect yourself from spinning props by only powering the quad with props
installed at the very moment you intend to take off. Always make sure the
transmitter is turned on when a battery is connected to the drone and always
ensure the drone is disarmed before picking it up to disconnect the battery.
Don’t fly within close range of yourself or others and if you are ever in doubt or
lose control, disarm the quad immediately. It is better to drop the quad to the
ground than to injure yourself or damage other people/property.
3. You can cut yourself when changing props as the trailing edge is very sharp.
Try to use gloves where possible or be gentle when changing props.
4. Fly responsibly ensuring you comply with the local laws and regulations of the
area and country you intend to fly.
5. Always be well aware of your surroundings when flying. Stay away from other
people, airports and aerodromes, manned aircraft, emergencies, crowds,
animals, high voltage lines and private property without express permission to
fly there.
6. Do not operate this aircraft in adverse weather such as heavy winds, rain, fog,
snow, hail, thunderstorms and lightning etc. Doing so causes unnecessary risk
to yourself and others and may damage your Racing Drone.
7. Always check the correct rotation of your propellers and motors before flight.
Propellers that are installed incorrectly or motors that spin the wrong way can
cause damage to the craft or cause injury. Always ensure propellers are
tightened firmly.
8. Check all parts before flight and or after a crash for damage or wear. Do not fly
the aircraft if parts are damaged or malfunctioning until they are repaired.