The 3 different modes available for flight
The Hydra racing drone comes with 3 different modes and you can select whichever
you prefer based on the amount of assistance you require to fly. It is our
recommendation that you begin in Angle mode and work toward learning how to fly in
Acro mode’. Acro mode provides the best experience when flying and gives you
unprohibited control of the drone. Useful for doing aerial stunts and competitive
The 3 different modes are described below:
Angle (Switch H far down):
This mode provides a very stable mode of flight. The
drone will self level when the controls are centered or released. And will limit the
amount you can bank and pitch the drone. This mode is generally recommended
when you first learn to fly.
Horizon (Switch H centered):
Once you have mastered hovering and flying around
comfortably in ‘Angle mode’ it’s natural to move to Horizon mode. This mode will
remove the limits on the amount of roll and pitch you can apply to the drone when the
control sticks are moved to the extents, but return to self levelling mode when the
control sticks are near centre. This mode lets you ‘taste’ what it’s like to fly in Acro
mode but still provide the safety net of Angle mode. Once you start getting
comfortable with pushing the control sticks to their extents it’s time to move to Acro
Acro (Switch H far up):
This mode removes all selfstabilization and limits from the
drone, every input you give to the control sticks needs to be corrected manually as