Model 702i and 711i
Technical Manual
Section 2
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
December 2018
Many of the common operations of the Model 702i or 711i are performed using “Soft Keys.” These
are represented by a set of words in a gray bar shown at the bottom of the screen. In Figure 2, the
normal soft keys seen in the “Dial” search screen are shown. The
soft key is currently
selected. By pressing the L
and R
keys, you can move the highlighting among the other
soft keys,
. Pressing the E
key will perform the action specified by
the currently highlighted soft key, for example, entering the identification mode to collect, report,
and store an analysis of a possible radioactive substance.
Figure 2 - Example of Soft Keys
Display Conventions
In order to make the Model 702i or 711i more friendly and easy to use, we have defined several
color and layout conventions for the user interface.
Four different nuclide “classes” are defined by their colors, which appear as labels and as
filled-in areas in spectra. Blue is for industrial (IND), magenta for special nuclear materials
(SNM), cyan for medical (MED), and green for naturally occurring radioactive materials
(NORM or NRM). In addition, when there is insufficient data to be sure something is
present, it will be marked in yellow for uncertain (UNC). When there is something definitely
present but not matched to any currently enabled nuclide, it will be labeled in red for
unknown (UNK).