ORINOCO WavePOINT-II - Getting Started
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Finding Information
The ORiNOCO WavePOINT-II AP, together with ORiNOCO PC Cards,
enables you to build a variety of network configurations:
A wireless LAN environment for mobile computers.
A flexible network, that allows for adding and/or relocating workstations
quickly and easily.
A migration path between various generation ORiNOCO infrastructures.
An inexpensive alternative to leased lines for building-to-building links
(an outdoor solution).
To design and install your wireless network, you can find the information you
need in the following information products:
The "ORiNOCO Manager User’s Guide"
The on-line help information
This Guide
The "ORINOCO WavePOINT-II - Getting Started Guide" (this document)
The contents of your ORiNOCO WavePOINT-II AP kit (see page 1-12).