Changing Default Values
Issue 1 August 1996
The Setup Screen
The Setup screen allows you to change Fault Management defaults for:
Selecting objects
Refresh and polling intervals
Refresh on startup values
SNMP retry values
When you save the changes that you make on this screen, Fault
Management overwrites the information in the application resource file.
The online guide delivered with Fault Management can help you use
the Setup screen to change default values. For information about
accessing this guide, see "Opening the Online User Guide" on page
The Application Resource File
The application resource file contains all the default settings that display on
the Setup screen. In addition, it contains the default settings for the
background and foreground colors of windows and menu bars. The colors
for these items are set to match those on your NMS and can not be
changed from the Setup screen.
Accessing the Resource File
Use the following path to access the resource file, DG3FMdefaults: