Data Communication Equipment (DCE)
Provides the signal conversion and coding between the data terminating equipment and
the line. The DCE may be separate equipment or a part of the data terminating
Data Terminating Equipment (DTE)
Originates data for transmission and accepts transmitted data.
Database Administrator
A user who administers the database of the Lucent NMS. See also User Privilege.
Direct Current
Data Communications Function
Data Communications Network
Digital Cross-connect System
Digital Distribution Frame
Dedicated Protection Ring (DP-Ring)
A protection method used in some network elements.
Default Value Provisioning
The original values are preprogrammed at the factory. These values can be overridden
using local or remote provisioning.
A limited interruption of the ability of an item to perform a required function. The
defect may or may not lead to maintenance action this depends on the results of
additional analysis.
A process applied to a multiplexed signal to recover signals combined within it and
restore the distinct individual channels of these signals.
Digital Link
A transmission span such as a point-to-point 2 Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s, 140 Mbit/s, VC12,
VC3 or VC4 link between controlled network elements. The channels within a digital
link are insignificant.
Digital Section
A transmission span such as an STM-N or 565 Mbit/s signal. A digital section may
contain multiple digital channels.
Lucent Technologies - Proprietary
See notice on first page
Issue 4, November 2006