User Manual of Network Camera
Emergency Alarm, or Motion | Alarm Input | PIR | Wireless | Emergency.
If you select
, the video will be recorded automatically according to
the time of the schedule.
Record Triggered by Motion Detection
If you select
Motion Detection
, the video will be recorded when the
motion is detected.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to set the motion
detection area and check the checkbox of
Trigger Channel
in the
of Motion Detection Settings interface. For detailed information,
please refer to the
Step 1
Set the Motion Detection Area
in the Section
Record Triggered by Alarm
If you select
, the video will be recorded when the alarm is triggered
via the external alarm input channels.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to set the
Alarm Type
and check the checkbox of
Trigger Channel
in the
Linkage Method
Alarm Input Settings
interface. For detailed information, please refer to
Section 6.6.4
Record Triggered by Motion & Alarm
If you select
Motion & Alarm
, the video will be recorded when the motion
alarm are triggered at the same time.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to configure the
settings on the
Motion Detection
Alarm Input Settings
Please refer to
Section 6.6.1
Section 6.6.4
for detailed information
Record Triggered by Motion | Alarm
If you select
Motion | Alarm
, the video will be recorded when the external
alarm is triggered or the motion is detected.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to configure the