Code: MSGB202$0500.doc 18/06/2004 P. 6 / 20
System configuration
To configure a data logging system, a project must be opened or a new project must be created.
To do this, open the ‘File” window and select New or Open. Create or open the file required. The file opened
is in Ms-Access format and contains all the information regarding the data logging system.
To access configuration, enter the password which, after installation of the program is, by default,
Click on the password menu, enter Lovato and then confirm with OK.
System configuration is a very important phase as regards definition of software functioning. In particular, if
several multimeters are connected, attention must be paid to programming the parameters of each DMK
connected to the network.
Before explaining the various functions of the program, the configuration window is illustrated below listing
the function of all the settings. A more detailed explanation of the purpose of each setting will be provided in
the following chapters.
Fig. 2.1 - Configuration-Options-General
Selection of the
language of the
Settings of the
serial port of the
Correct multimeter date
and time based on
daylight saving or
standard time settino.
Fix the multimeter
connection to be