Calculating Total Scan Time
Use the equation below to calculate the Total Scan Time value.
((A x B) x C = Total Scan Time (seconds)
A = number of radio frequencies
B = number of receiver antennas (including the Master)
C = scan time (seconds)
If a total scan time is not set (left as 00:00), the receiver immediately
begins another scan cycle once its scan routine is complete. If the total
scan time set is less than the calculated total scan time, the value entered
is ignored and the receiver treats it as if no total scan time was set. The
receiver can also be set up to wait until the total scan time has elapsed,
prior to initiating another scan cycle. Setting the total scan time allows
multiple receivers to synchronize scan cycles. It is also a power-saving
the receiver shuts down all antennas and lowers gain while
awaiting completion of the total scan time entered.
Use of Time-Out on Acquisition (TOA) and Master Antenna Preview
can also affect Total Scan Time, which is the
time period to a
complete a scan cycle. TOA can be enabled or disabled. With TOA
enabled, the receiver monitors each frequency and antenna combination
until the first valid detection, thus reducing total scan time.
TOA can therefore be used to minimize the amount of time it takes for
the receiver to scan all of the available frequencies and antennas. This is
not always a desirable result because it can result in lost data by ending
a scan time prematurely, before other transmitters in the area can be
detected on that frequency and antenna combination.
Example: With TOA enabled, and scan time set to 20 seconds, the
receiver detects a valid signal after 6 seconds. The receiver is monitoring
frequency A and antenna E when a detection occurs. Upon detection,
the receiver stops scanning frequency A and antenna E and moves to
the next frequency and antenna (depending on the scan priority