4.4 Power
There are multiple user-set power options for the G-Link-200-OEM, including Default
Operation Mode, User Inactivity Timeout, Check Radio Interval, and Transmit Power, in the
Wireless Node Configuration > Power menu.
Figure 14. Node Configuration Power Menu
Default Operation Mode
- When power is applied, the node will enter the Default Operation
User Inactivity Timeout
- While in Idle mode, the node will automatically enter Sleep mode
if it does not receive any commands for the selected amount of time. If Sample is selected
under Default Operation Mode, the node will automatically re-enter the sample mode it
performed last with all current settings. Disable User Inactivity Timeout to avoid the node
automatically changing states.
Check Radio Interval
- While in Sleep and Sample modes, the Check Radio Interval sets
the frequency the node checks the radio channel for a “Set to Idle” command. Decreasing the
Check Radio Interval will shorten the amount of time it takes to wake the node into Idle mode
with the cost of decreasing battery life. Increasing the Check Radio Interval could increase
battery life at the cost of increasing the amount of time it takes to wake the node into its Idle
Transmit Power
- Set the output power of the radio to a value between 0dBm to +20dBm.
The output power will effect communication range and also battery life.