Chapter 5 Terminal Operation IP6704A TDMoEthernet
Loop Telecommunication International, Inc.
Download Firmware
This function is only available for E1 hardware version G, software version 4.02.01
and up.
Under Port Menu, press “D” to download firmware. Here, you can see the currently
working firmware bank number. Type in the TFTP server IP and the file name. Then,
key to activate firmware download.
IP6704A E1 === Download Firmware === 12:41:39 01/21/2016
ARROW KEYS: CURSOR MOVE, Please Input: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, BACKSPACE to edit
Bank 1 Firmware Ver. : V4.03.03 (0002) (Good)
Bank 2 Firmware Ver. : V4.03.03 (0002) (Good)
Working Firmware Bank: 2
TFTP Server IP :
Firmware File Name :
<< Press ESC key to return to previous menu or save the setup>>
Unit Reset
Under Port Menu, press “Z” to reset unit. A prompt will ask: ”Reset-are you sure?” Press
“Y” to confirm.
PORT C FE 1 = == Por t M enu === 12: 44: 52 01/ 21/ 201 6
Vers ion : S W V 4.0 3.0 3 ( 000 2)
H W: G, FPG A: 09
1 -> Po rt 1 -H our Pe rf. Re por t L -> Port Lo opb ack Te st
2 -> Po rt 24 - Hou r P erf . R epo rt S -> Port Sy ste m S etu p
A -> Po rt Lin e A vai lab ili ty K -> Port Cl ear Pe rfo rma nce Da ta
C -> Po rt Con fig ura tio n M -> Port Al arm Se tup
I -> Po rt Sta tus X -> Port Cl ear Al arm Qu eue & His tor y
H -> Po rt Ala rm His tor y D -> Down loa d F irm war e
Q -> Po rt Ala rm Que ue
[LOG ] [M ISC ]
F -> Lo g O ff [SE TUP ],[ MIS C] Men u Z -> Unit Re set
O -> Lo g O n [SE TUP ],[ MIS C] Men u
E -> Re tur n t o M ain Me nu
P -> Ch oos e o the r P ort
Rese t - ar e y ou sur e ? [Y /N]
When you load the default configuration, the current daughter card map will not be