ForceCut™ Series Plasma Cutters
Safety Tips
Consider the following tips to ensure safe operation of your welding/cutting
Ensure that this welding equipment is installed in an area free of corrosive
chemical gases, flammable gases or materials, and explosive chemicals.
The area should contain little dust, and have a humidity of no more than 80%.
Operate the welding equipment in an area sheltered from direct sunlight and
precipitation. Work area temperature should be maintained at -10
C to +40
If, because of an overload, the machine suddenly stops, and it is necessary to
restart it, leave the internal fan operating to lower the inside temperature.
Always wear protective clothing and a welding mask to protect your skin.
Wear safety goggles designed to darken the arc generated by your machine.
Wear suitable noise protection to protect your hearing.
Ensure that machine is grounded through the power cord or on the machine case.
Never operate the machine in bare feet or on a wet floor.
Never switch the machine off while it’s in use. Doing so will damage the internal
Ensure that your circuit breaker is rated to handle the current requirements of
your machine.
Use a UL approved receptacles and plugs with your machine. Never hard wire
the machine to main power.
Work in a well ventilated area to avoid smoke. Keep your head out of the smoke.
Ensure that air is flowing away from you to avoid inhaling smoke.
Ensure proper ventilation through the machine’s louvers. Maintain a distance
of at least 12 inches between this cutting equipment and any other objects in the
work area.
Use a screen or curtain designed to keep passers by from viewing the arc.
The arc spray and metal spray from machine use may cause nearby fires. Use
If, after reviewing this manual, you have any problems in setting up or operating
your machine, contact us at [email protected].