ForceCut™ Series Plasma Cutters
Connect the torch connector to the machine using a wrench or adjustable
wrench. Tighten snugly, but do not over tighten.
Plug in the trigger ON/OFF connector, and hand-tighten the retainer nut. For
Pilot Arc Torches make sure you connect the ground lead to the PILOT knob.
Place the bare wire in between the washer and base and tighten the Piot knob
Connecting the Air Regulator Supply to the Machine
Longevity™ includes an air regulator/filter with your machine. You must attach the
bracket to the machine, and fasten the regulator to the bracket.
Locate the IN and OUT labeled on the regulator body.
Cut a section of hose long enough to reach the back of the machine, where
shown, and secure it to the regulator outlet and to the machine inlet. Please
note that the machine inlet will say GAS, but GAS in engineer terms also
includes compressed air. So you will need to use compressed air only for the
plasma cutter.
Connect an air compressor to the regulator inlet.
Set the air compressor to a higher pressure than the compressor requires.
Set the knob on the regulator to the pressure specified for your machine.
Periodically, after long periods of use, you must remove water from the air by
pushing the water release button to release water from the water separator section of
the regulator.