LongCo: User Manual V08 / 03. Mai 2019
Seite 15 von 56
When unfolded the LongCo about 90°, change to the rear brake (handle on the right side) and
unfold it backwards.
Rear/All-Wheel Drive have
many cables between front
and rear Frame. Before you
close all the way, check every
cable and make sure, that
none of the cable will be
squeezed or damaged.
In order to arrange the cables
when unfold, 2 persons are
needed. One take care for
the cables while the other
one slowly lower down the
vehicle to horizontal position.
(like on the picture right side).
Attention, don’t squeeze your
Therefore Rear/All-Wheel
Drive can only be fold for
special occasions, like
holidays. For daily use the
folding cannot be used,
otherwise the cable will be
damaged sooner or later.