Configuring the USRID-16W for
USRID-16W User Guide
Configuring alarms for WHO PQS qualified USRID-16W1 and USRID-16W2 models is not
permitted. The alarm trigger requirements are set out in the WHO/PQS/E006/TR07 PQS
performance specification for Electronic Shipping Indicators. Each indicator is configured
with 3 different alarm trigger conditions for temperature.
Alarm trigger conditions consist of a threshold temperature value, an activation type
(which can be instant, consecutive or accumulative) and a delay time. If an alarm trigger
condition requires readings to exceed an upper threshold temperature it is called an
. If an alarm trigger condition requires readings to go below lower thresholds it is
called a
lower alarm
An alarm event is generated, when at least one of the alarm conditions is triggered. The
threshold values themselves are included in the alarm range, i.e. if an upper alarm
threshold is set at +30.0 °C, a value of +30.0 °C will trigger an alarm, but a value of 29.9 °C
will not.
According to the PQS specification, alarms are triggered for different models as follows:
Type 1 (Model USRID-16W1)
Programmed with alarm settings suitable for the international shipment of DTP, DT, TT,
Td, HepB, IPV, liquid Hib and combination vaccines, MenAfriVac, HPV, Pneumo (other than
Upper Alarm
Consecutive Readings of 45 °C or above for 1 hour (single event)
Upper Alarm
Accumulative Readings of 30 °C or above for a total of 10 hours
Lower Alarm
Consecutive Readings of -0.5 °C or below for 1 hour (single event)
Type 2 (Model USRID-16W2)
Programmed with alarm settings suitable for the international shipment of BCG,
lyophilized Hib, measles, MR, MMR, meningitis (polysaccharide), OPV, rabies, rotavirus
(other than rotateq) and yellow fever vaccines shipped with frozen water-ice packs.
Upper Alarm
Consecutive Readings of 45 °C or above for 1 hour (single event)
Upper Alarm
Accumulative Readings of 30 °C or above for a total of 10 hours
Upper Alarm
Accumulative Readings of 10 °C or above for a total of 20 hours
An alarm event is generated, when either of the entered alarm conditions is triggered.