My devices don’t work the way I want
I want to add improved version of my device in the Logitech database .............................44
My device responds too slowly to button presses ..............................................................44
When I press my volume button, my volume increases too much ......................................44
I have to hit some buttons more than once to send a command .......................................44
My buttons aren’t working the way I want
The On Demand command isn’t on the Harmony 900 for the Watch TV Activity ...............45
When pressing buttons in an Activity, the remote sends the command twice ....................45
Some commands are missing on my Harmony 900 remote screen ....................................45
My RF System is not working the way I want
I moved my Blaster and/or Mini Blasters and my remote stopped working .........................46
My devices got moved around and now they’re not working. ............................................46
I bought a new DVD player have added it to my remote
but I still have to point at it directly for it to work. .............................................................46
I have two devices that are exactly the same.
When press a command on one device, it sends to other as well. .....................................47
Two of my devices are from the same manufacturer.
When I press a command on one device, it sends to other as well. ...................................47
Assigning a device to a specific port on the Blaster ...........................................................47
Types of delays or speed settings ......................................................................................48
Troubleshooting your inputs
Figuring out which type of input control you have ............................................................50
Step 1— Turn on all your devices ....................................................................................... 51
Step 2 — Watch the TV .....................................................................................................52
Step 3 — Listen to the sound ............................................................................................52
Getting help with your Harmony remote
Contacting Customer Support ..........................................................................................53
Finding answers to questions ............................................................................................53
Getting help with your online setup ..................................................................................53
Using the On-Remote Help ...............................................................................................54
Logitech’s Harmony Remote user forums ..........................................................................54
Appendix A - Device Information
Appendix B - Glossary
Appendix C - Product Specification