E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.lkm-security.com
Sede Legale:
Lookathome s.r.l
Via dei campi, 127 - 22070 Binago (CO)
Tel. +39 0773284477 - P.IVA 03342730136 - Cap. Inv. Euro 5.000
Sede Operativa:
Lookathome s.r.l
Viale Corbusier, 327- 04100 Latina (LT)
Tel. +39 0773 1852943 E-mail: [email protected]
6.2 System Disarm
It means to stop the alarm when the panel sounds or make the alarm system in the status of
non-warning. After disarming, the panel would not sound alarm even if you trigger the
detectors. There are four methods to disarm.
6.3 System Stay Arm
It means partial arming for the panel when somebody is at home, and needs to enable
peripheral: door, window, balcony and boundary detectors to prevent to trigger the indoor
detectors which may cause improper alarm, then you shall select Stay Arm, just activate part
of the detectors can be activated to make sound alarm and dis-activated the other part.
There are two methods to stay arm.