LNGS.465213.270-10 OM
Page 30
After installation and commissioning of a lift unit it is recommended to perform its operational testing. Such testing
must be performed also after reconstruction and periodically, not less frequent that once every 12 months. The testing
procedure is as stated by RE 3434-001-49739805-07 manual.
Procedure for operational testing:
Do what is listed in ‘Action sequence’ column of Table 8;
Check registered statuses by monitoring and diagnostics system with those listed in ‘What should be
registered’ column of Table 8.
Before starting each item of testing procedure, it is necessary to:
Restore normal operating condition of electric diagram and equipment of lift or its initial status;
Provide power supply to lift using service key;
Reset all faults;
Perform calibrating journey including door opening/closing.
Table 8
What to check. The sequence of actions
Expecting result
Checking dispatcher call audio and visual notification. Press
‘Call’ button in lift cabin.
After ‘Call’ button is pressed in lift cabin,
audio and visual notification should be
received in monitoring software.
Checking dispatcher call audio and visual notification from the
MR. Press ‘Call’ button in the MR.
After ‘Call’ button is pressed in MR, audio
and visual notification should be received in
monitoring software.
Checking of two-way communication between dispatcher and
lift cabin. Initiate a voice call with lift cabin from the dispatcher
Make sure communication is available.
Checking of two-way communication between dispatcher and
the MR. Initiate a voice call with the MR from PC.
Make sure communication is available.
Checking of intercom voice communication (repair
communication) and voice communication in firemen
transportation mode. Turn on intercom and try it using different
Make sure communication is available.
Checking audio and visual notification on landing door opening
with no lift cabin in landing zone. Open landing door with no lift
cabin in landing zone.
When landing door is open the PC should
register audio and visual notification. LU
should shutdown a lift
Checking of audio and visual notification on opening machine
room door. Open the machine room door.
Opening the MR door should be
accompanied by audio and visual notification
of monitoring PC.
GOS testing
- Switch lift into controlled from the MR mode;
- Disconnect a lift from mains;
Disconnect ‘GOS sensor’ (CMSA) wire either from the LU or
from sensor;
- Power lift ON ;
- Perform test journey.
After start of lift movement PC should register
‘Main drive fault’ status. The LU should
shutdown the lift.
Control over unauthorized movement of lift cabin
- Switch lift into controlled from the MR mode;
- Move lift cabin to any of stops in the middle of the shaft;
- Wait about 4 seconds to exclude cabin inertia;
- release brake lever.
After lift starts moving the PC should register
‘Unauthorized cabin movement’ status. LU
should shutdown the lift.
Checking of audio and visual notification on safety chain open.
Open safety chain.
When safety chain is open PC should
register audio and visual notification safety
chain is open.
Checking of lift location. Press ‘Call’ button in lift at specified
After ‘Call’ button is pressed in lift cabin PC