Desktop for Mac User Guide
Livescribe Desktop
The specific page(s) you selected.
Using the cascading menus, choose: As Pencast.
In the Select Data for Pencast dialog, choose what to share: Pages and Audio, Pages Only, or
Audio Only.
Refine your sharing options: If you are sharing pages, use the checkboxes to select pages
individually or select all pages.
If you are sharing audio only or audio and pages, select one or more audio sessions to export from
the Select Audio to Share drop down list.
On Mac:
In Pages View, choose one or more pages you want to share. Or, in Sessions View, select one or
more sessions to share.
Click one of the share buttons on the Main Toolbar, or right-click and choose Share. This opens the
share dialog. Choose a sharing option.
Click the Export Pencast button to export a .pencast file. The .pencast file is a portable format
unique to Livescribe content. This kind of file can be imported directly into Livescribe Desktop by
anyone who has it. Only one audio file allowed per .pencast file.Your computer.
Use the share dialog to specify what to share.
Give a name to the content you are sharing, and if required, provide log in information.
Click Share to share the content.
How can I share pencasts using a MyLivescribe account?
Once you register your smartpen, you can share up to 500MB through your MyLivescribe account.
Private sharing: All your uploaded pencasts are set to private by default – only accessible to you. You
can add specific people to your Access List, giving them permission to see your private pencasts, and
then send them a link to view. The people on your Access List will be required to create a Livescribe
account to view pencasts.
Public sharing: Once you make your pencast public, it can be accessed by anyone, even without a
Livescribe account. You can send the pencast URL, share it on Facebook™, or embed it on a website.