Bearings frame / headset
All bearings used are greased for life and do not need to be disassembled to be repacked with grease. In
case of a defective bearing you can order a new bearing from your dealer or from Liteville.
Tip: When cleaning, do not let a strong jet of water enter the bearings (see section “washing”). Too much
assumed “care” can reduce the bearing life.
All frame bolts used are high-tensile strength titanium bolts. They have been custom manufactured for our
Liteville frames. All bolts are factory assembled with appropriate thread locker. Never the less, you need to
regularly check them regularly, especially after first assembly of the bike, and ensure they are done up accor
ding to specified torque (see page 18).
On all black frames, the torque values can be found laser-etched onto the frame at respective locations. In
case of loss or damage you can order them through your Liteville WerkStation or from Syntace directly.
Ensure you use the correct thread locker and that it sets correctly (see end of this manual).
Attention: Look carefully! Should a bolt really move when checking to see if bolts are tightened to specifica
tion, then the thread locker bond will be broken and new thread locker needs to be applied. You will find more
detailed thread locker information on www.liteville.de -> FAQ.
Hint on creaking noises: Sometimes one needs to do the opposite of what one expects…for example, if it
creaks up front, grease in the rear. The suspected creaking from the bottom bracket might not be caused
there at all. You will find more detailed information on www.liteville.de -> FAQ.
Never use a high-pressure washer to clean your frame! The high water pressure will force water into the bea-
rings and premature corrosion and wear will follow. Dirt, blown away by high water pressure, will scratch
the surface and mark it permanently. Additionally, do not use a garden hose water jet (or similar) on any of the
frame pivot points to remove dirt. Instead, (if necessary, together with brush or sponge) clean pivot points
only with water from a bucket or a hose with nozzle set to soft spray setting.
To clean your frame, first use water from a hose and then a soft sponge with warm water, preferably with a
few drops of dishwashing detergent. Dry frame with a soft cloth. To achieve a nice sheen, use silicone spray
and wipe with a soft cloth.