FTIR600 Vertical Stage
Only read the following section if you have pur-
chased the FTIR600 Vertical Stage. This chapter
will provide additional information for you to set
up and use this stage.
The stage is designed to stand vertically and fit
inside your spectrometer. The vertical sample
holder is used to keep the sample in place.
The FTIR600 Vertical Stage has the same specifi-
cations and works in exactly the same way as the
standard FTIR600. The heater assembly is locat-
ed on the side, the Gas Purge Valve and Stage
body water cooling connectors are repositioned so
that an additional Base Stand can be included in
the Stage design to make the stage stand in a
vertical position.
Check the dimensions (mm) of the Stage in the diagram below to align the IR beam to the stage's central
aperture hole.