AERO.100 User Guide
Oct 2016
Page 94
Instance 1 > DRC-Program 1 > Load Preset. Select and load a loudness control preset.
Instance 1 > DRC-Program 1 > Final. Set Final Output so that average LKFS output on
Program 1 loudness meter is on target. (usually -24 dB LKFS or -23 dB LUFS)
Instance 1 > DRC-Program 2 > Load Preset. Select and load a loudness control preset.
Instance 1 > DRC-Program 2 > Final. Set Final Output so that average LKFS output on
Program 2 loudness meter is on target. (usually -24 dB LKFS or -23 dB LUFS)
If the program on DRC-Program 2 is SAP on a single channel of the input pair then 7/8
Input Source can be selected to take 7 only, or 8 only:
Instance 1 > Output > 7/8 Input Source. Select 7 or 8.
If the program on DRC-Program 2 is SAP and automatic replacement of missing SAP with
a main channel downmix is desired, then:
Instance 1 > Output > 7/8 Output. Set 7/8 Output Mode = Auto Downmix. Adjustments
of downmix output level and crossfades and hold-off for SAP replacement by downmix
and Downmix by SAP are provided.
If a full time downmix is wanted on the DRC 7/8 Output, then:
Instance 1 > Output > 7/8 Output. Set 7/8 Output Mode = Main Downmix.
Instance 1 > DRC-Local > Load Preset. Select and load a loudness control preset.
Instance 1 > DRC-Local > Final. Set Final Output so that average LKFS output on Program
Local loudness meter is on target. (usually -24 dB LKFS or -23 dB LUFS)
If the program on DRC-Local is SAP on a single channel of the input pair then 9/10 Input
Source can be selected to take 7 only, or 8 only:
Instance 1 > Output > 9/10 Input Source. Select 7 or 8.
If the program on DRC-Local is SAP and automatic replacement of missing SAP with a
main channel downmix is desired, then:
Instance 1 > Output > 9/10 Output. Set 9/10 Output Mode = Auto Downmix.
Adjustments of downmix output level and crossfades and hold-off for SAP replacement
by downmix and Downmix by SAP are provided.
If a full time downmix is wanted on the DRC 9/10 Output, then:
Instance 1 > Output > 9/10 Output. Set 9/10 Output Mode = Main Downmix.
If the DRC-Local input will be used for main or DRC-Program 2 program replacement, or
for EAS or for local emergency audio override, the configuration is found here:
Instance 1 > Output > Local