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User Manual
Operation Instructions
Subject to modifications
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Technical Data
Lubrication Pump HTL 101
Lubrication output: .........................................0.22 cm³/stroke
Max. operating pressure (lubricant)
- Hydraulic hammer....................................................120 bar
- with metering device ................................................270 bar
Admissible operating temperature
.................. -25°C to 80°C
Ratio .........................................................................1 : 1.65
Factory Output Settings
Speed (revolutions):..................................................... 4 rpm
max. Hydraulic pressure:............................................250 bar
min. Hydraulic pressure:.............................................. 40 bar
Standard Fitting Connections
Oil - Pressure (P) ........................................... M 16 x 1.5 mm
Oil - Return (R) .............................................. M 16 x 1.5 mm
Lubricant outlet ........................................................... G 1/4“
The minimum operating temperature de-
pends on the pumpability of the lubricants.
For Lincoln chisel pastes, it is -25°C. Ob-
serve the manufacturer‘s specifications for
standard greases.
Pressure Diagram: Ratio Comparison
The following pressure diagram depicts the relationship between the inlet pressure of the hydraulic system and the maximum
outlet pressure of the lubrication pump with closed outlet or with a blockage. The maximum outlet pressure was determined
with an EP 2 grease at room temperature.
Fig. 11
Pressure diagram
A - Oil pressure: Hydraulic System (Inlet)
B - Delivery Pressure: Lubricant Outlet