Owner Manual
Subject to change without notice
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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259 • Tx 466088
Safety Instructions for Maintenance, Inspection and Instal-
lation Services
The user must make sure that all maintenance, inspection and
installation work is executed by authorized and qualified experts
who have throroughly read the Operating Instructions. On no ac-
count may work be done on the machine while the machine is in
operation. Follow all instructions for shutting down the machine as
described in the Operating Instructions. Decontaminate pumps
and pump units delivering harmful materials.
Reassemble all safety and protection devices immediately after
completion of the cleaning procedure.
Dispose of material harmful to the environment in accordance with
the applicable official regulations.
Before putting the pump/pump unit into operation, ensure that all
points given in the chapter „Commissioning“ are fulfilled.
Unauthorized Modification and Spare Parts Production
Alteration and modifications of the machine are only allowed if
approved by the manufacturer. Original spare parts and accesso-
ries authorized by the manufacturer ensure safe operation. If other
parts are used, the manufacturer may be released from his liabili-
ty for the resulting consequences.
Inadmissible Operating Modes
The operational safety of the supplied product is only granted if
the product is operated according to the instructions given in
chapter 1 - General - of the Operating Instructions. The max. ra-
tings listed in the Technical Data sheet must never be exceeded.
Commissioning of the product (pump/pump unit) within the Euro-
pean Union is forbidden until it has been decided that the machine
in question meets the requirements of the EU guidelines.