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Reminder notifications
When reminder notifications are enabled, notifications will pop up to remind you when you need to change
position. The reminders will appear based on your settings. On your smart device they will show on a locked or
unlocked screen; on your computer they will show in the lower right corner of your monitor. On your computer the
reminders are not saved in the notifications overview.
The notifications depend on two types of data. They pop up as a result of either time-based data or data-based data.
Time-based Data-based Time-based
(Only iOS and Android) (Only PC)
The time-based notifications are available for all and pop up based on the time the desk has been in sitting
position. Press/click on the notification to open the app, or slide to the left on your smart device to see the three
• Snooze for 10 minutes (press/click to be reminded again in ten minutes)
• No more reminders today (press/click and neither your smart device/computer nor the DPG will show any
reminders for the rest of the day)
• Open app (press/click to adjust the desk height - or use the DPG)
The data-based notifications are personalised and pop up based on your set challenge.
0 %
Let´s get started.
On your feet and move it a bit.
1 to 66 %
Get moving!
You’ve reached X% of your daily goal.
67 to 99 %
Almost there.
You’ve reached X% of your daily goal.
100 to 115 %
You’ve reached your daily goal.
>115 %
You are doing great!
Maybe it’s time for a new challenge?