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The reminder LED lights through the surface of the DPG1B. The light is intended to indicate the position of the
desk (sitting or standing height). The indication depends on the reminder interval chosen.
If two favourite positions are saved, they will indicate sitting and standing height. If no favourite positions are
saved, the sitting height will be the lowest possible height and the standing position will be sitting height plus
30 cm.
Heartbeat (light strip)
The heartbeat reminder is shown as a thin LED light strip. While the user is sitting for an appropriate amount of
time according to the set interval, the light strip calmly pulsates green symbolising a heartbeat. When the sitting
interval runs out, the calm pulsating green turns into fast pulsating orange for one minute hereafter into static
orange to indicate that the user should adjust the desk to standing height. In standing height, the light strip
pulsates green until a potential timeout (standard timeout is four hours). When the desk is adjusted back to
sitting height, the light strip pulsates green until the reminder goes off again.
Reminder restart
The reminder automatically restarts when the desk is lowered to sitting height.
Reminder timeout
After four hours without any action, the light strip will time out. When the DPG1B is tilted, the green light turns
back on.
When the light (strip or blocks) is enabled for reminders, the DPG1B is no longer in ZERO™ mode as long
as the light is on/active.
Figure 27: Heartbeat - pulsating green light strip
indicates no need to drive desk up
Figure 28: Heartbeat - pulsating orange light strip indicates
that the user needs to drive his/her desk up