USA + Canada Toll Free
Direct Dial + International
care + MainTenance
• Keep O-rings, covers, seals and/or gaskets clean
• Water test before planned water use and retest every three months
• Rinse with fresh water after exposure to soap, chlorine or seawater
• Backup your device’s data regularly
• After major impacts: Inspect for damage and ensure case, ports and covers are sealed.
Redo water test before water use.
iMPorTanT noTice:
Though all LifeProof products are tested to meet stated claims, your device can still be damaged.
It is your responsibility to take reasonable precautions regarding how you use your device. Expose
your device to hazards at your own risk.
The LifeProof product warranty only covers the LifeProof
product — it does not cover any non-LifeProof product or device, and does not provide warranty
protection in all circumstances. consult the LifeProof product warranty for full details.
maximum protection, follow all instructions regarding your LifeProof product, and never substitute
or otherwise rely on a LifeProof product instead of regular backups or device insurance.
do noT use a daMaged LifeProof ProducT for ProTecTion!
To make your LifeProof device part of every adventure, equip your case with action-ready accessories —
made by LifeProof, for LifeProof!
All LifeProof products are backed by a 1-year limited warranty. Product warranty only covers the
LifeProof product — it does not cover any non-LifeProof product or device.
for more information.
Life suPPorT
If you have questions or problems, contact LifeProof Support right away.
Please do not return your product to the retailer.