DL-HD2A-RX Owners Manual
Enter the displays POWER ON and OFF/STANDBY command for the display device in the
Power on
Power off
field. Serial commands for displays and projectors are provided by the display manufacturer and can be found in
the products instructional documentation.
Click the
buttons adjacent to both the
Power On
Power off
field to upload the commands. If upload is
successful a green light next to the
button will illuminate and a pop up window will confirm a successful
If the ASCII based commands require a terminator, choose the appropriate terminator from the
Set terminator
section and then click the Set button. If upload is successful a green light next to the Set button will illuminate
and a pop up window will confirm a successful upload. Note, this option is only for ASCII based commands, this
is not required or is an option for HEX based commands.
Explanation of terminator menu:
\r = Carriage Return <CR>
\n = Line Feed <LF>
\r\n = Carriage Line Feed <CR><LF>
none = No terminator required