When and how to replace a filter
• To drink clean water, changing the filter is very important. Old filters cause a
decline in efficiency, so take note of the filter changing time.
• The filter replacement time varies depending on each filter’s characteristics.
(Refer to the Filter Replacement Period on Page 25)
Wash the filter that needs to be replaced,
and then change the filter.
Detach the fittings connected to the filter using
adequate tools. Separate the old filters by pulling from
the bracket.
Fit the top part of the filter cover to the groove and push it upward to close.
After filter replacement, check the fitting and tubing for
any water leak. The initial purified water needs to be
drained at least once.
• The filter needs to be replaced after being washed.
- Out sediment, sediment, Pre-carbon, RO membrane, and
Post-carbon filter need to be washed with Sediment-filtered
tap water for 10 minutes. Afterward, assemble them.
• In case replacement is done without washing the filter
- Black-colored water may come out due to the activated
carbon powder or initial activated carbon.
- Since it is impossible to check if the filter is clogged, this
may cause breakdown.
After replacing the SVC
filter, be sure to perform
the assembly as shown
in the photograph.