When and how to replace a filter
How to replace a Filter
Close the tap water valve.
Pull and remove the water container, lift the lever, and then remove the filter cover.
• Activated Carbon in the filter can flow into the tank.
- This minute activated carbon powder, which is designed to improve the taste
of water, comes out from the Post-carbon filter, and it is not harmful to the
human body.
• Drain the water and wipe with dry cloth.
This water purifier uses the RO water purifying system, which uses drain
water (wastewater) for making purified water(pure water).
- The recovery ratio is 20 ~ 35
(With 100
of source water, the water purifier can make 20 ~ 35
water after purifying)
It depends on the water condition (pressure, temperature, property).
• The filter must be replaced after being washed. (Flushing)
- Out sediment, sediment, Pre-carbon, RO membrane, and Post-carbon filter
need to be washed with Sediment-filtered tap water for 10 minutes.
Afterward, assemble them.
• In case replacement is done without washing the filter
- Black-colored water may come out due to the activated carbon powder or initial
activated carbon.
- Since it is impossible to check if the filter is clogged, this may cause breakdown.