SuperSign Manager
Once the content is sent to SuperSign Player, it will be played on the screen connected to SuperSign Player.
Select the content or media fi les to send to SuperSign
Player in the library.
Drag the fi le to the desired SuperSign Player.
The SuperSign Send to Player window will appear.
Enter the duration in the SuperSign Send to Player win-
dow and then click the
● When more than one SuperSign Manager is used, you cannot use them to control the same player at the
same time. You should use the
Manual Setting
to connect to the player to be controlled.
● When players are searched from more than one SuperSign Manager, the first player found will be
connected. The same player cannot be used by different managers.
● If a player is disconnected, it will automatically attempt to reconnect the SuperSign Manager.
● If the connection to the player is lost when using SuperSign Manager, you will be notified with a message
window and a status guide icon.
● When you distribute media by drag-and-drop, it will be applied to the player group, not to an individual
Manage Functions
Distribute Content Immediately
Drag content or media fi les onto the management screen to distribute them immediately to the connected
SuperSign Player.
● Constant Repeat: Keep playing until a new schedule is added.
● Duration: Continue to play at this time for the duration.