Dynamic V8
Air Cleaner Installation Manual
Dynamic V8 Air Cleaner
Introduction | 3
Getting Help
For continual product development, LG reserves the right to change specifi cations without notice.
LG Electronics U.S.A. Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. "LG Life's Good" is a registered trademark of LG Corp./www.lghvac.com
About Dynamic Air Quality Solutions
In 1982, two university professors from Carleton University in Ontario, Canada
developed a design for a residential air-cleaning application that provided a simple
means of replacing dirty media. They started Engineering Dynamics, Ltd. (EDL) and
began manufacturing 1” and 2” polarized-media electronic air cleaners, room con-
sole units, and overhead ceiling-mount units. All of the polarized-media air cleaners
on the market today can be traced back to beginnings at EDL, although subsequent
patents and re
nements have created discernible differences in product designs and
EDL was acquired in 1993 by Environmental Dynamics Group, now known as Dy-
namic Air Quality Solutions, the manufacturer of Dynamic Air Cleaners. Initially the
focus was residential, but there was a clear need for improved air quality in com-
mercial and industrial applications. This resulted in a focus on technology enhance-
ments, new con
gurations, and a complete line of commercial products that now
dominate in some applications, such as casinos.
Although there were a number of different con
gurations that came before the Dy-
namic V8, all were based on polarizing (charging)
bers in a
lter and particles in
the air to generate an electric force between those
bers and particles. While the
underlying principles have been around for many decades, only in recent years has
the technology been fully understood and optimized to provide consistent, reliable
As a result of this research and development, we proudly present the Dynamic V8
Air Cleaner. As the new standard in air cleaning, the Dynamic V8 VL Series deliv-
ers maximum performance using an insigni
cant energy volume. The Dynamic V8
outperforms all existing air cleaning and
ltration products in the market. It controls
contaminants and slashes
lter-related maintenance costs, resulting in the lowest
total cost of building ownership. The Dynamic V8 is designed to meet the rigorous
requirements of green buildings, data centers, hospitals, and pharmaceutical and
clean manufacturing.
Dynamic V8 VL Series Air Cleaners
The Dynamic V8’s patented technology has been commercially available for years
in a heavy duty arrangement with eight
lter media pads. The Dynamic V8 VL Series
of air-cleaners are compact and designed to work speci
cally with LG Multi V line of
High-Static-Ducted Indoor Units. They are available in two con
gurations: The low-
le 4VL, model and the ultra-low-pro
le 2VL model.
Getting Help
For technical assistance with the air cleaner itself, please contact Dynamic Air Quali-
ty Solutions (DAQS) at (609) 924-4489. For layout and installation questions, please
contact your LG CAC representative. For warranty issues and repair parts, see
"DAQS Policies and Warranties" on page 35. For replacement
lter media, please
contact your LG CAC representative.