28 | Air Cleaner Installation
Dynamic V8 Air Cleaner
Dynamic V8
Air Cleaner Installation Manual
Air Cleaner Installation
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LG Electronics U.S.A. Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. "LG Life's Good" is a registered trademark of LG Corp./www.lghvac.com
Air Cleaner Installation
Ensure All Parts and Tools Are Present
Ensure that you have all the necessary tools from the tool list on page 2.
Ensure that you have all required threaded rods, nuts,
at washers, and lock
washers to secure all the components to the structure.
Typically, 3/8" or 1/2" threaded rod is used to install these components; however, your sce-
nario may require a different solution. We suggest consulting a structural engineer to determine the proper
mounting components, component quantity, and component placement.
Inspect the air cleaner(s), return-air plenum(s), and grille housing(s) to verify
each kit is complete. See pages 18 and 20 for a list of air cleaner kit
Prepare Field Fabricated Ductwork
Construct the
eld-fabricated ductwork.
Assemble Return-Air Plenum(s)
If the return air plenum accessory was purchased, it ships knocked down and re-
eld assembly:
The plenum kit contains the housing’s top panel, two end side panels, two side
panels, one
ller panel, 4 hanger brackets, 4 bolts, 4 lock nuts, and 4 strips of
self-stick aluminum foil tape.
Assemble the plenum. Begin by placing the large top panel on a
at surface up-
side down. Select an end panel (they are identical) and orient it to stand vertical-
ly along one of the short edges of the top panel with the snap lock seam facing
the work surface and facing the inside of the plenum.
With the end panel(s) in position the two square holes in the panel are above the
round holes.
Next, mate the snap lock edge of the side panel with the top panel. Begin by
tilting the side panel and insert the corner of the panel and strike the opposite
edge of the end panel with the rubber mallet. Continue along the bottom edge of
the side panel inserting and driving the lower edge of the vertical end panel into
the mating edge of the top panel. Continue until the lower edge of the side panel
is fully seated in the slot of the top panel. The panels are fully seated once the
raised tabs along the inside of the seam are recessed and no longer visible. Also
the outside surface of the top and end panel meet tightly together without a gap
between. Repeat this process for the second end panel, then proceed to step 5.
Install the front and back panels.
It is very important that the back and front edges of the end panels already mounted line up with the
back and front edges of the top panel before beginning installation of the front and back panels. If necessary,
adjust the end-to-top panel alignment before proceeding.