TIAMIS-800 wireless radio transceiver
User Manual. Ver. 1.3
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2. Connect one side of the RS232 cable supplied from the factory to the data port of the
transceiver. Connect the other end of this cable to your instrument.
3. Connect an antenna to the transceiver’s RF connector.
4. Configure the transceiver to operate in the Master mode if necessary.
5. Make sure your power source is capable of supplying a DC voltage in the range
between 4.5 and 25 VDC. Also, confirm that your power source is capable of delivering
at least 6.5 Watts of power to the transceiver.
6. Connect the power cord from your power source to the transceiver.
7. Turn On your power source.
8. Repeat all of the steps above with the rest of the transceivers, which will be a part of
the same network.
9. Shortly after all modems are plugged in they should establish a communications link
with each other and your connection is complete!