TIAMIS-800 wireless radio transceiver
User Manual. Ver. 1.3
Page 10 of 35
3. Operating Modes
The version of the firmware 1106.i and prior supports the following network topologies:
3.1. Description of the messages in the network
Generally, there are two types of RF channel messages/packets supported by the
Global_Packet. Means that the packet is sent to all listening transceivers in the
network. If a transceiver hears a Global_Packet and if the packet reception was
error-free, then the data portion of such packet (if exists) will be sampled out by
the transceiver to its data port.
Local_Packet. Means that the packet is sent to a specific transceiver in the
network. In the case of a good packet reception, only the addressed transceiver
will deliver the data portion of such packet (if exists) to its data port.
3.2. Point-to-Point network overview
In general, a Point-to-Point network includes a Point-to-Point Master (P2P Master), a
Slave, and optional Repeater(s). The network allows two way communications between
the P2P Master and the Slave.
The typical Point-to-Point network assumes that all of the messages sent between P2P
Master and the Slave required acknowledgement by the receiving site. However, the user
can turn the acknowledgement On or Off for one of the radios or for both. It gives added
flexibility to the user to adjust the network performance to the application requirements.
All of the packets sent within Point-to-Point network are always Local_Packets addressed
either to the P2P Master or to the Slave.
3.2.1. Functionality of the Point-to-Point Master (P2P Master)
A P2P Master radio can send a new packet of data over the RF channel only if the link to
the Slave is On.