The important point about this method is that it works when lr < 22.5, but it does not
work when lr is larger. A better technique, which is used in the newest versions, is the
interpolation technique, which is used for LRR.
The March 1997 version uses an interpolation technique to find LRR. Here there are two
discontinuities. Along the cs=0 boundary LRR in the rear must match the LRR for the
forward direction, which shows LRR = -G(lr) along the cs=0 boundary.
The choice used in March 1997 - although somewhat computationally intensive - is to
employ an interpolation based on the value of cs over the range of 0 to 15 degrees. In
other words, when cs is zero we employ G(lr) to find LRR. As cs increases to 15 degrees
we interpolate to the value of srac(lr).
There is also the possibility of a discontinuity along the lr=0 axis. We can solve this by
adding a term to LRR, which is found by using cs_bounded. The term is simply
sric(cs_bounded). This term will insure continuity across the lr=0 axis.
First define cs_bounded
cs_bounded = lr - cs;
if (cs_bounded <1) % this limits the maximum value
cs_bounded = 0;
if (45-|lr| < cs_bounded) % use the smaller of the two values
cs_bounded = 45-lr;
for cs = 0 to 15
LRR = (-(srac(lr) + (srac(lr)-G(lr))*(15-cs)/15) +
for cs = 15 to 22.5
LRR = (-srac(lr) + sric(cs_bounded))*tvcorr(|lr|+|cs|);
LRL as implemented in the Logic 7 as of 8/97