we then define lfl and lfr in this quadrant as:
LFL = cos(cs)/(cos(cs)+sin(cs)) – front_boundary_table(bp) + .41*G(lr)
LFR = sin(cs)/(cos(cs)+sin(cs)) + front_boundary_table(bp)
Note the correction of cos(cs)+sin(cs). When we divide cos(cs) by this factor we get the
function 1-0.5*G(cs), which is the same as the Dolby matrix in this quadrant.
In the right rear quadrant
LFL = cos(cs)/(cos(cs)+sin(cs))
LFR = sin(cs)/(cos(cs)+sin(cs))
See Figures 8 and 9
Figure 8: The left front left matrix
element as viewed from the left rear.
Note the large correction along the
left-rear boundary. This causes the
front left output to go to zero when
steering goes from left to left rear.
The output remains zero as the
steering progresses to full rear.
However, along the lr=0 axis and in
the right rear quadrant the function is
identical to the ’89 matrix.
Figure 9: the left front right matrix
element. Note the large peak in the
left to rear boundary. This works in
conjunction with the lfl matrix
element to reduce the front output to
zero along this boundary as steering
goes from left rear to full rear. Once
again in the rear direction along the
lr=0 axis and in the rear right
quadrant the element is identical to
the ‘89 matrix.