% now define the sine and cosine tables, as well as the boost tables for the front
sin_tbl = sin(a1);
cos_tbl = cos(a1);
cos_tbl_plus = cos(a1).*corr1(a+1);
cos_tbl_plus = cos_tbl_plus-cos_tbl; % this is the one we use
cos_tbl_minus = cos(a1)./corr(a+1);
sin_tbl_plus = sin(a1).*corr1(a+1);
sin_tbl_plus = sin_tbl_plus-sin_tbl; % this is the one we use
sin_tbl_minus = sin(a1)./corr(a+1);
sin_tbl_plus and cos_tbl_plus are the difference between a plain sine and cosine, and the
boosted sine and cosine. We now define
LFL = cos(cs) + .41*G(lr) + cos_tbl_plus(bcs)
LFR = -sin(cs) -sin_tbl_plus(bcs)
LFL and LFR in the front right quadrant are similar, but without the +.41*G term. These
new definitions lead to the matrix element in Figure 6.
Figure 6: The new left front left matrix
element has the correct amplitude along
the left to center boundary, as well as
along the center to right boundary.
The steering in the rear quadrant is not optimal either. When the steering is toward the
rear the above matrix elements are given by:
LFL = cos_tbl_minus(-cs) + .41*G(-cs)
LFR = sin_tbl_minus(-cs)