IP CamSecure
9. Remote Live Viewer
9.2 Server/Group/Camera
Display a complete list of the server(s),group(s) and camera(s) that are
added to the system.
Server View: The cameras would list beyond associated server.
Group View: The cameras would list beyond customized grouping.
Server View
Group View
9.2.1 login/logout server
Select a server on list, and then click on
the LOG IN/ LOG OUT icon to access/ leave the
On the server list, right click on it to
obtain the menu options.
Log In/Log Out Server
9.2.2 Connect/Disconnect camera
On the server/camera list, double click
on a camera to connect it.
On the server/ camera list, right click on a
camera to obtain the menu options to
connect disconnect it.
Connect/Disconnect Camera
Select a camera(s) from the list, and then drag it to where you
want the image to be displayed.