last saved distance, until 200 yards (185 meters) has been reached.
Once 200 yards (185 meters) has been reached, it will reset to 60 yards
(55 meters), and start over again. When the appropriate distance is displayed,
press MODE.
6) The 6-iron indicator will be shown in the upper display, and either
the last saved distance or 8-iron distance plus 20 yards will be
shown in the lower display. If you wish to
input a distance other than the one shown,
proceed to step 7. To save the shown distance
for your 6-iron, press MODE and skip to step
8 below.
7) Press POWER to set the distance obtained
with your 6-iron. Each depression of POWER
will increase the distance associated with your 6-iron shot in
5-yard/meter increments, the last saved distance, until 220 yards
has been reached. Once 220 yards (200 meters) has been
reached, it will reset to the 8-iron distance plus 5 yards/meters,
and start over again. When the appropriate distance is displayed, press