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10.1 Turn off computer and UPS before connecting RS-232 cable from the computer to the UPS.
10.2 Turn on the UPS and then turn on the computer. Then insert the Easy-Mon X Software CD into CD-ROM Drive
or download at www.leonics.com.
10.3 The Macromedia Flash presentation program will shown automatically. Press ESC button on the keyboard to
exit the Macromedia Flash presentation. Then the Easy-Mon X window will be shown on screen.
10.4 Click the "Easy-Mon X Install" button and then install Easy-Mon X Package which relates to your computer
operating system.
10.5 Follow the instruction as shown on screen.
10.6 After finished the Easy-Mon X installation, restart the computer.
10.7 Start the "Easy-Mon X Setup" program and then click the "Auto Detect UPS" to search for the UPS model and
communication port automatically.
10.8 Once you know the communication port, start the "Easy-Mon X Spy"program to monitor the UPS data.
Note : - The values of input (Vin) and output (Vout) voltages read from the Easy-Mon X Software from many
UPSs in the same network may be different, even though connected to the same power source.
Possible causes of these happenings are the voltage over each branch circuit is not equal, or ± 1%
accuracy of input and output voltage measuring circuit, or the UPSs are connected to different power
phases of the same source.
- You can find more information about Easy-Mon X in the Easy-Mon X Software CD.