1. The Nucleus Unit MUST be piped according to a Leonard Required Piping Method W (see
page 31).
2. Mount valve body outlet facing down and plumb inlet and outlet connections. DO NOT
introduce water to the valve until completion of these instructions.
3. Mount Nucleus Control Box to supplied Mounting Bracket and adjust the tuning screw on
the bracket to desired position. Ensure all wiring exiting the box is accessible.
4. Connect Green Wire Earth Ground Connector to suitable nearby earth ground location.
5. Remove compression fitting from left side of the valve outlet. Slide RTD Probe #1 through
the compression fitting and insert into the left side of the valve outlet. Tighten
compression fitting by hand, and then tighten just 1/8 to 1/4 turn. DO NOT overtighten
fitting. See page 30 for more detail.
6. If additional RDT probes and pressure sensors are included, install them at the appropriate
locations. If ‘IF
RTS’ option is included, leave provisions for the RTD probe marked
“RETURN” to be installed on the tempered return line (1/2” NPT Connection). Tighten
compression fittings by hand, and then tighten just 1/8 to 1/4 turn. DO NOT overtighten
fittings. See page 30 for more detail. Plug in pressure sensor harnesses into the pressure
7. Connect and tighten Motor Wiring Harness, if needed.
8. Open all inlet and outlet check-stops and ball valves to pressurize Nucleus valve.
9. Plug power supply into 110V receptacle. GFCI receptacles are recommended. Installer to
follow local electrical codes.
10. Powering Valve Control Box will cause the valve motor to initiate a FULL VALVE SWEEP
(End to End), indicating that the motor has traveled 900-1500 Steps. Following the FULL
SWEEP, the valve is ready for commissioning and the LED Screen will display the following:
Commission Unit
11. Installer will then press the
key which will lead to the following LED screen display
12. Press
to adjust SET POINT temperature. Use
buttons to adjust SET POINT
temperature to required outlet temperature. The Nucleus Valve will automatically adjust to
new SET POINT, though this does not mean the unit is fully commissioned.