Commissioning Menu Screen 3:
Minimum System Temperature
2 times displays
Min temp
This is minimum temperature as measured on the primary outlet temperature sensor of the Nucleus
Mixing Valve RTD (T3). Measured values above this value will cause an alarm condition that will
switch a relay to Normally Opened (See Page 27, Alarm Relay Detail). Default value is 65°F.
Commissioning Menu Screen 4:
Maximum Outlet Temperature
3 times displays
Max temp
This is maximum temperature as measured on the primary outlet temperature sensor of the Nucleus
Mixing Valve RTD (T3). Measured values above this value will cause an alarm condition that will
switch a relay to Normally Opened (See Page 27, Alarm Relay Detail). Default value is 130°F.
1 time displays
Min temp
Initial Screen in commissioning menu requests the scale of temperature measurement in
Fahrenheit (
) or Celsius (
Commissioning Menu Screen 2:
Temperature Scale