Establishing an online connection via EtherNet/IP with the Lenze »Engineer«
Lenze · Decentralised frequency inverter 8400 motec (EtherNet/IP™ option) · EDS84DMOTEIP EN 2.0 - 10/2013
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Establishing an online connection via EtherNet/IP with the Lenze »Engineer«
Example set-up with an Allen Bradley CompactLogix Controller 1769-L32E (scanner)
For an online connection between the »Engineer« and the drive, the drive has to have an IP address
Setting the IP configuration of the Inverter Drive 8400 motec
• In order to ensure perfect operation of cyclic EtherNet/IP communication, online
access with the »Engineer« should be executed via an IEEE 802.1Q-capable switch.
• The IEEE 802.1Q-capable switch integrated in the Communication Unit can manage
cyclic EtherNet/IP communication with priority over regular TCP/IP communication.
With EtherNet/IP this is effected via the VLAN identification in the Ethernet frame
• If the redundancy protocol DLR (Device Level Ring) is used, the switch also must be