Lenze · Decentralised frequency inverter 8400 motec (EtherNet/IP™ option) · EDS84DMOTEIP EN 2.0 - 10/2013
Setting the IP configuration of the Inverter Drive 8400 motec
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2. A double-click on a EtherNet/IP node opens the "Configure nodes" dialog window.
Here you can set the IP parameters.
3. Click on
• The IP configuration is transferred to the corresponding EtherNet/IP node.
• The Communication Unit executes a stack reset.
• The IP parameters are written to codes
(subnet mask), and
(gateway address).
(IP configuration reference) is set to ’0: Saved address’ to ensure that the
transferred address can be used.
Check whether the configuration has been transferred successfully.
For this purpose, open the "Assign IP addresses" dialog window (see step 1) and click the
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