NT 4.0 applications that were designed specifically to run on ThinkPad hardware may
function properly after you upgrade to Windows 2000 Professional.
For more information about upgrading your ThinkPad computer to Windows 2000, please
refer to the \SETUPTXT \
README files included on the
Windows 2000 Professional CD.
The following device drivers and utility programs will be no longer be required on Windows
2000 because their equivalent will be included in the new operating system. The following is
a list of known device drivers and utilities designed specifically for your ThinkPad computers
that will no longer function once you have upgraded to Windows 2000:
ThinkPad UltraBay Hot/Warm Swap Driver
IBM Utility Features for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0
IBM ThinkPad Configuration Program
IBM Fuel Gauge Program
IBM Personalization Editor for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0
SystemSoft CardWorks for Windows95
SystemSoft CardWizard for Windows NT 4.0
IBM Power Management System
Notebook Manager for Windows 98
SafeOFF for Windows 98
SleepManager for Win dows 98
Modem Ring for Windows 98
AudioRack for Win dows 98
Y-Station for Windows 98
Swap Master driver for Windows 95/98
Combo Bay (Warm Swap) driver for Windows 95/98
APM Support Diskette for Windows NT 4.0
Also, some preloaded applications that came with the IBM ThinkPad computer and Windows
95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 will not work with Windows 2000. It’s suggested that
you contact the application’s software vendor to receive an updated release designed for
Windows 2000.
Mediamatics DVDExpress users
Note that if your ThinkPad computer has a version of Mediamatics DVDExpress software
installed for Windows 98, in order to install the upgrade version of DVDExpress for
Windows 2000,
do not uninstall the Windows 98 version before upgrading
. If you
uninstall the Windows 98 version, then upgrade to Windows 2000, you will not be able to
install the upgrade package.
Applications that must be uninstalled
Before upgrading to Windows 2000 Professional, you should uninstall the following
applications to prevent any upgrade problems from occurring:
Access ThinkPad
All anti-virus software
Universal Management Agent
Unsupported Applications for Windows 2000
The following is a list of known applications that will no longer function once you have
upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional: