6 Disassembly and disposal
GEL 235/235x/203x
6 Disassembly
Disassembly of the encoder
If a still-intact device should be removed, for example for a retrofitting, only
touch the plug pins and connection wires with suitable body grounding, for example
using an ESD armband in order to prevent damage to the electronic components due
to electrostatic discharge.
Unplug the connection of the encoder.
Make the connection cable accessible.
Loosen the coupling connection.
Loosen and remove the mounting screws of the encoder.
Remove the encoder from the drive shaft.
GEL 2035 multiturn only:
If applicable, put the encoder in the sleep mode to save battery power (see section
6.2 Disposal
Dispose of a faulty encoder according to the regional regulations for electric and
electronic devices.