4.5 Popular
Presents a list of the most popular internet stations from around the world.
4.6 Discover
Allows you to select from a list of stations defined by either their origin (Country), Genre
(style of music) or language. Navigate through the category options, once you have
made your selection a screen confirms your selected category and the number of
stations within that category. To see the list, select the option showing the number of
available stations.
4.7 Now playing information
While the stream is playing, the screen shows its name and description. If artist and
track information is available, this is also shown. To view further information, press Info .
Each time you press Info, another set of information is displayed, cycling through the
following details:
• Slogan (default; where available)
• Language/Location
• Codec and sampling rate
• Playback buffer
• Today’s Date.
Spotify Connect
With Spotify you get millions of songs easily accessible. The artists you like, the latest
hit songs and new discoveries, just for you.
With Spotify Connect feature lets you play and control all your music wirelessly. Select
music on your smartphone or tablet and hear on the radio.
Your radio has Spotify Connect built. This allows you to control the music playing on the
radio using the Spotify app on your smartphone or tablet.
Listen Nobody is seamless - you can call, play games, watch movies, and even turn off
the phone without interfering music. There is a better way to hear music at home.