analogue solutions
e&oe (c) 1-11-08
Note; for Leipzig-k, see separate dedicated MIDI section to-
wards the end of the manual.
The MIDI to CV converter (MCV) is a device that converts some
MIDI signals into analogue voltages. It allows analogue synthesiser
circuits to be integrated and used with your MIDI set-up.
MIDI messages responded to are Note on/off, Velocity, Mod
Wheel, All notes off. Note messages provide analogue outputs for
pitch CV, auxiliary CV and Gate.
Note; The PROGRAM button is absent from the K version since all MIDI set-up editing
is done via the LCD and 8 edit buttons. For details on MIDI set-up of the CV converter for
the K version see the section later in the manual for Leipzig-k.
The Activity LED will briefly light whenever it receives a MIDI message that itself will
respond to, i.e. a message on the correct channel, and of correct type, note on/off and
mod wheel (if CC/VEL source is set to mod wheel). It remains on when Red Square is in
Program mode.
The MIDI to CV converter produces three kinds of signal;
This is a pitch CV and is hard wired to control both VCO pitches.
This is a modulation CV that is wired into the modulation panel
This is a note on/off signal wired into the VCA and EG triggers.
To Set MIDI Receive Channel
Press and hold the Program button. Then do either;
Press a MIDI key. This will set and store the receive channel to the channel received
in the note data.
CV2 will set itself to Velocity.
Release the Program button.
Move a Continuous Controller. This will set and store the receive channel to the chan-
nel received in the CC data.